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Review of the university activities in the last weeks of January

Welcome! Here is a brief summary of what has happened at Uzhhorod National University last weeks (19-30.01). I am Oksana Azhniuk. The highlights of today are:

  • our university has signed an agreement with the Hungarian government;
  • 29 masters graduated from the Faculty of International Politics, Management and Business;
  • the beginning of “Romani Studies” at Uzhhorod National University was announced.

Now these and other news in more details.

Peter Sziatro, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, signed an agreement on cooperation with Uzhhorod National University. According to this document, the Hungarian government provides financial support in the amount of 3.5 million Hungarian forints for the development of the Centre for Hungarian Studies at Uzhhorod National University. Another 2.5 million Hungarian forints will be spent for reconstruction of our university library.

 Peter Sziatro:

“It is very important for us that local Hungarian community can continuously develop and evolve. The Hungarian language plays the main role in this process. We think that cooperation with Uzhhorod National University is very important because this institution is the Alma Mater for many educated Hungarians. All over the world there are only 4 centres dedicated to Hungarian studies. The fact that one of them exists in Uzhhorod deserves great attention from our government”.

The Minister supports all initiatives for the development of international relations. He considers cooperation in the educational sector to be extremely important. The Hungarian authorities offered 100 scholarships for Transcarpathian students for studying in educational institutions in Hungary.

Our university was visited also by a delegation from Higher School of Business in Poland in Nowy Sacz. They discussed the possibilities for exchange of students, in particular for master training of Ukrainian students in the Polish higher school. The Higher School of Business offers the following specialities: “Finance”, “Management and Marketing”, ‘Logistics” and “Tourism”. The master studies period is 2 years. This institution is also called a Polish-American university because due to the cooperation with a university in Chicago, the graduates receive double diplomas.

First graduates of the Faculty of International Politics, Management, and Business received their diplomas. Nearly 30 students were taught according to the new syllabus. They studied for five and half years like in other European educational unstitutions.

Uzhhorod National University signed an agreement on long-time cooperation with Transcarpation Roma Youth Association Romani Cherkhen. Now our students can be involved in studying the problems of the Roma ethnic group and become a specialist in Romani studies with an appropriate certificate. Prof. Volodynyr Smolanka, the Rector of Uzhhorod National University, said,

"We foresee a variety of our cooperation aspects. We have an incredibly wide field of activity. We are pleased to have had good long-time relations with the headship of the Roma Youth Association."

In April the session of the University Scientific Council will adopt the curricula for the Romani studies programme. And by the end of the next academic year Transcarpathia will have first certified specialists in this field. Myroslav Horvat, the head of the Roma studies section, comments:

“The university supports our ideas, aimed at the studies of Roma problems, Roma lifestyle and research of many things which we know nothing about. We speak a lot, but do little. And it is this field where the university can help us very much”.

The 27th World Winter Universiade sports event was begun in Strbske Pleso, Slovakia on the 24th of January. Students of 30 countries participate in it. Prof. Olena Dulo, the Dean of the Faculty of Human Health of Uzhhorod National University was a member of our delegation there.

The programme of the Games includes four events: cross-country skiing, nordic combination, ski jumping, and biathlon. The second stage of the winter Universiade began on the 4th of February in Granada, Spain. Three students of our university, namely Yevhen Huliy and Roman Kovbasniuk from the Faculty of Human Health as well as Ihor Ham from the Faculty of Stomatology participate in the Universiade.

That were main events of last weeks. This was Oksana Azhniuk, Mediacenter. Have a nice day!

The program has been created by

Oksana Azhniuk, Iryna Levina, Yuriy Azhniuk

The main news of university | 09.02.15 | Додав VIP | 914 | 5.0/1
Теги: review, university activities

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