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Головна » Усі публікації » The main news of university

Review of the university activities in the last week of February

Welcome! I am Oksana Azhniuk. Here are the headlines of last week (23–27.02.2015):

  • the Uzhhorod National University budget for 2015 is nearly 188 million hryvnias;
  • two faculties of Uzhhorod National University specializing in law were consolidated;
  • Prof. Feketa was appointed a new vice rector;
  • the prospects of the implementation of the Law on Higher Education were discussed at our university;
  • the team of mathematicians won the chess competition at the university.

The Uzhhorod National University budget for 2015 is nearly 188 million hryvnias. This amount was announced by Ruslana Vovchanska, the chief accountant of the university, at the session of the University Scientific Council. Besides, the University Scientific Council has agreed to consolidate two faculties – the Faculty of European Law Studies and the Faculty of Law. Professor Yaroslav Lazur who has been functioning as the university Vice Rector, will become the new Dean of the united faculty of Law. Professor Volodymyr Feketa will temporarily function as a Vice Rector of Uzhhorod National University. More details about the decisions of the University Scientific Council can be found on the University Mediacentre website.

The prospects of the implementation of the Law on Higher Education were discussed at our university. On the 24th of February an expert session was organized devoted to the implementation of the Law on Higher Education as a necessary precondition for the integration in the European space of higher education and research. The session was funded by the International Visegrad Foundation in the framework of the scientific project The innovational university as a tool for the integration in the European educational and scientific space. The experts discussed steps required for the implementation of the Law on Higher Education, working out mechanisms for the innovational development of Uzhhorod National University towards its integration in the European space of higher education and research.

On the 28th of February – the 1st of March, a preliminary round of the international fashion competition of European Fashion Union was held in Uzhhorod. The students of our university assisted the organizers and guests. Collections of evening and wedding dresses, casual and summer clothes, collections of accessories (handbags and hats) were demonstrated at the show. The final competition of the European Fashion Union will be held this spring in Budapest. The aim of this fashion competition is to find talented designers from all over the world and to create an international platform for cooperation in the fashion industry.

On the 25th of February, the second event of the 8th Sports Universiade took place at the Burevisnyk university sport centre. 14 teams from the university faculties and structural units competed in chess. The team of the Faculty of Mathematics won the first award with 10 points. The team of the Faculty of History stayed at the second place. The third position was taken by the team of the Faculty of Economics. The next event will be the competition in table tennis, so follow the Mediacentre website to be the first to know the news.

That were main events of last week. This was Oksana Azhniuk, Mediacenter. Have a nice day!

Prepared by Oksana Azhniuk, Iryna Levina, Yuriy Azhniuk

The main news of university | 07.03.15 | Додав Путpашик | 940 | 0.0/0
Теги: review, university activities

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