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Review of the university activities in the first week of February

Hello! I am Oksana Azhnuik. Here are the highlights of the February first week.

– Pomeranian University in Slupsk grants scholarships to our students for half year studies;

– teachers from Uzhhorod National University participated in the evaluation of scientific work of school students in the framework of Small Academy of Sciences;

– the White Berets of Uzhhorod organized a training in Tactical Medicine.

Pomeranian University (Akademia Pomorska) in Slupsk, Poland, offered free 6-month training to students of Uzhhorod National University. Since October till January 29 students of the Faculty of Mathematics, the Faculty of History, the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and  the Faculty of Information Technology were studying in Poland.

An agreement on cooperation between Uzhhorod National University and Pomeranian University began functioning from June. The Polish part provides training and accommodation. Pomeranian University has 3 faculties: the Faculty of Philology and History, the Faculty of Mathematics and Science, and the Faculty of Social Sciences. The students are offered education in 22 fields and 100 specializations. Publishing facilities, library, sport and recreation centre, computer centre and foreign language centre are available for the students of the university.

On the 30th of January the second stage of national science research competition for school students of 9-11 year of study in the framework of Small Academy of Sciences was held in Uzhhorod. The aim of the competition is to encourage the school students to carry out research work.

The programme of each section included an external assessment of the research, test performance, and public defense of the reaserch. The teachers of Uzhhorod National University are traditionally invited to participate in the evaluation committee. Dr. Vasyl Sharkan, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philology, says:

The cooperation with the Small Academy of Sciences is very important for the Faculty of Philology because now we can cooperate with our future applicants – school students who already know what they want and choose their field of research. The Faculty of Philology can offer different specializations, for example, Linguistics, Literature Studies  or Folklore. Besides, we have good cooperation with the Journalism Section.  Onwards, the students can choose a speciality and continue training in our university.

The first group of masters in the speciality of Public Service graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences. On the 3rd of February 17 graduates received their diplomas in the Session Hall of the University Scientific Council. For this speciality the full-time on-site training lasts 1 year and the extramural training lasts 1.5 year.

In order to apply for this degree one should already possess a Specialist or a Master degree. The teachers mentioned that the graduates were eager to knowledge and active in discussions. They were recommended to be wise and fair in any situation and to remember the main objective of the public service – to work for the state and nation. 

The White Berets, the members of a non-governmental special-purpose medical unit in Uzhhorod organized a training in tactical medicine under the motto To Know in Order to Save. The organizer Erik Hleba, a medical intern from Uzhhorod National University, told that the idea of this training is to teach people how to provide first medical aid because sometimes a wrong aid leads to a greater harm than the injury itself.

Erik Hleba:

Everyone should know what is in his medical bag because there are situations when one has a medical bag but does not know how to use it. At present 57 % of all amputations are caused by a wrong application of tourniquet. Our military people are often taught in a wrong way. It is better not to apply any bandage than to apply it in a harmful way.   

This was the second such training in Transcarpathia. This time there were 30 participants, for whom theoretic and practical courses in different topics were offered, namely: Evacuation, How to Stop Bleeding at Injuries, ABC Protocol, Cardiopulmonary Reanimation, Restoration of Adequate Ventilation, How to Stop Arterial Bleeding using CELOX Bands and Bandages etc.

This was Oksana Azhnuik. Listen us and read more news on Mediacentre website.

The program has been created

by Oksana Azhniuk, Iryna Levina, Yuriy Azhniuk

The main news of university | 16.02.15 | Додав Путpашик | 907 | 3.0/2
Теги: university activities, review

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