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Review of the university activities of May

Welcome! I am Oksana Azhniuk. Here are the highlights of May:

  • a delegation from Vysočina region (the Czech Republic) visited our university;
  • all-Ukrainian student debates were held in our university;
  • a new Miss of Uzhhorod National University was chosen;
  • more on this and other in details.

A delegation from Vysočina region (the Czech Republic) visited our university. The delegation had a meeting with the university authorities where they discussed common projects and cooperation as well as possibilities for Czech students to study at our university. Zdenek Kadlec, the head of the regional government of the Vysočina region, gave a lecture about Vysočina region to the students of the Department of Slovak Philology and the Department of Czech Philology.

Among 28 cooperation projects to be accomplished in the Vysočina region, two may concern our students, namely costs allocated for new scientific literature and scholarships for participation in Karel Havliček-Borovsky Summer School of Journalism.

All-Ukrainian student debates were held at our university. In the middle of May representatives of 14 different Ukrainian universities took part at this event. The team of Uzhhorod National University and the team of Odesa Law Academy reached the final round. After the final competition the main award was won by the team from Odesa.

A Career Forum for students and graduates of Uzhhorod National University was organized at our university. The most prominent Transcarpathian employers presented vacancies in their companies and advised students how to search for a job, to write a resumé, and to succeed at an interview.

Our university signed an agreement on cooperation with ThinkMobiles company. According to this document, students of technical specialities have a possibility to practise at ThinkMobiles. The most successful students have a chance to be employed at the company.

Prof. Olena Dulo, the Dean of the Faculty of Human Health, and Prof. Ksenia Meleha, the Head of the Department of Health Studies, presented the School of Health at the Faculty of Human Health. This school is open for people who want to extend their knowledge and to obtain practical recommendations on healthy lifestyle and health improvement.

The first talk was devoted to fundamental issues of health and lifestyle, excessive weight, and contemporary ways of its correction. It is planned to organize such talks weekly. They are supposed to be devoted to physical activity, healthy diet, rational regime of work, sleep, and leisure, anti-stress activity, and developing resistance to the cold.

A competition for the Miss Uzhhorod National University title was held at our university. 19 participants competed for the university crown. Alisa Kononchuk, a student of the College of Uzhhorod National University, was given the title. The second prize went to Natalia Mytsiak, a student of the Faculty of International Politics, Management and Business. Diana Peresta, a student of the Faculty of International Relations, won the third place.

Every third Thursday of May Ukrainians celebrate the National Vyshyvanka Day. The Faculty of Philology also took part in this celebration. Students and teachers of our university were dressed in vyshyvankas, the Ukrainian traditional clothing with authentic embroidery. This way of emphasizing Ukrainian national identity is extremely popular and important now when Ukraine faces Russian military intervention and has to fight for its independence.

That were the main events of May. This was Oksana Azhniuk, Mediacenter. Have a nice day!

Prepared by Oksana Azhniuk, Kristina Hudak

The main news of university | 17.06.15 | Додав Шумицька | 805 | 0.0/0

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«  Червень 2015  »

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