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Головна » Усі публікації » The main news of university

Review of the university activities of April
  • Uzhhorod National University became the only NVIDIA Educational Centre in Ukraine;
  • the Battles of Intellect started at our university;
  • а famous Ukrainian writer presented his new book to our students;
  • more on this and other in details.

An NVIDIA Educational Centre was opened at Uzhhorod National University. In fact, our university became a representative of NVIDIA Corporation, an American computer hardware company which manufactures video adapters and accelerators as well as system-on-a-chip units for the mobile computing market. Now it is the only one such centre in Ukraine.

The University Scientific Council adopted the Regulations for the organization of education at Uzhhorod National University. The document includes the regulations with regard to the student assessment monitoring and rating. According to this document, in case of a failure at a final examination or a diploma defence, a student can be allowed to take another attempt within the term of three years. For a student qualifying for a bachelor degree the new examination attempt is allowed not earlier than in 30 days for a one challenging for a master degree – not earlier than 6 months after the failure.

The 8th International Conference for young scientists and postgraduates The Readings on Law in Transcarpathia was held in Uzhhorod. 79 participants from different regions of Ukraine as well as Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary arrived in our city. Twelve main topics were discussed, including traditional law studies, law history, medical law, informational law, space law etc.

A coverage of the first episode of a TV-show The Battles of Intellect 2015 took place at Uzhhorod National University. The participants were challenging for the title of The Best Mathematician. The competition was won by Oleksandr Batori.

In general, five competitions are planned in this TV show for the best mathematician, computer scientist, chemist, physicist and biologist.

The famous Ukrainian writer Serhiy Zhadan presented his new book Maria`s Life at Uzhhorod National University. He had been working on this book for 2 years. A number of texts have a Bible origin, with this is connected the title of book. Maria, the main character, is a civil person living in a hard time.

The student festival of talents entitled The Students` Spring was being held for two days at our university. There were four different competitions in presentation, dancing, singing, and original genre. The competition was won by the students of the Faculty of Human Health. The second award went to the students of the College for Natural Sciences and Humanities. The students of the Faculty of Tourism and International Communications as well as the Faculty of International Politics, Management and Business shared the third award.

Hanna Shmilyak, the student of the Faculty of Philology took part at a TV-show The Voice of Ukraine. She said that participation in this competition is a chance to accomplish her old dream. After Hanna sang a song Addicted to You two coaches Potap and Tina Karol invited her to their teams. After the next stage our student had to leave the show.

Uzhhorod National University organized a charity project Hot Hearts to support the Ukrainian army. The organizers sold various stuff (T-shirts, magnets, badges) with the symbols of the faculty and collected money for Ukrainian soldiers.

That were the main events of April. This was Oksana Azhniuk, Mediacenter. Have a nice day!

Prepared by Oksana Azhniuk, Kristina Hudak

The main news of university | 02.06.15 | Додав Шумицька | 757 | 0.0/0

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