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Головна » Усі публікації » The main news of university

Review of the university activities in the first week of June

Welcome! I am Oksana Azhniuk. Here are the headlines of last week (01–05.06.2015):

  • a conference devoted to cross-border cooperation was held at Uzhhorod National University;
  • Stephen O'Brien, a famous American scientist, visited our university;
  • university female team won the championship of Western Ukraine in rugby.

More on this and other in details.

Uzhhorod National University and Museum of Satu Mare county (Romania) organized a conference for scientists and diplomats Problems and Prospects of Cross-Border Cooperation: the Experience of Carpathian Euroregion.

The main objective of the meeting was to share experience and to find new ways for solving current problems.

Cooperation with foreign partners will open new possibilities for our students. Prof. Myroslava Lendiel, the Vice-Rector of Uzhhorod National University, says:

There is a possibility to share experience and to start a new project. The new law on higher education allows new projects with foreign partners to be elaborated. There is an idea to work out a joint master programme in regional studies, ethnical studies in Carpathian region. It is important for us to have good partners in order to teach our students.

Stiphen O'Brien, a world famous scientist, gave an open lecture to our students. He is a prominent researcher who is famous by his discoveries in genetics and medicine. In his group, the first mutation which stopped AIDS development, was discovered. Now Prof. O'Brien is devoted to education and dissemination of the newest achievements of genetics all over the world.

Journalists of Transcarpathia took part in a round table meeting organized by the Mediacentre of our university in order to discuss prospects and challenges of functioning of regional media.

The main topics of the meeting were survival of regional press, prospects of reforming of communal media, democratic processes in journalism, and hidden advertising as a form of corruption in mass media.

Our university female team of rugby Korzo won a championship of Western Ukraine in Ternopil region. In the final game our team defeated rugby players from Kremenets. We congratulate them and wish them new victories.

That were the main events. This was Oksana Azhniuk, Mediacenter. Have a nice day!

Prepared by Oksana Azhniuk, Kristina Hudak

The main news of university | 07.07.15 | Додав Шумицька | 791 | 0.0/0
Теги: june

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